Sunday, April 24, 2016

Extrovert or introvert?

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Most of my life I thought I was an introvert.  Quiet,  thoughtful, somewhat  hermetic in nature.  That's me, right?  But ... When I think back to how I met some people and who said hello first, I find that I am the first to reach out more than I give myself credit for anyway.

Just today I said hello first and got someone's life story.  I didn't ask for that, BTW, just happens I'm a good listener.

So, am I an extrovert?  Introvert?  What gives?

I think we each hold a place somewhere between extrovert and introvert.  In some areas you shine.  In others you're the wall flower.  In high school I was a wall flower, big time!  But ask me about horses or yarn and I shine!

I believe we need to set ourselves up for success.  Like dressing up to go out on the town.  If you are trying to get noticed, making the most of yourself is a good idea.  I mean, the right clothes, shoes, make-up, etc.  I remember dressing up for a concert one time.  High heels, red dress, the works!  A girl bumped into me that night.  She turned to tell me to watch what I was doing, but the sight of me all decked out and looking down haughtily stopped her cold.  She apologized to me!  I didn't say a word.

Would I do things the same now?  No.  My attire is for me, not. every. one. else.  Dress in a way that makes you set for the task ahead.  If that means turning heads, fine.  Or dress to hide in the shadows.  But realize that you are both extrovert and introvert and dress to bring that out of yourself as the case needs.

Boy did this blog take a turn!  I thought I was going to blog about the internet making it easier for introverts to be heard.  You know, we blog and you can read it.  Then we don't have to talk to all of you at once, which we aren't very good at.

Of course, the more I thought about it, the more I realized the above.  Don't let people, including yourself, pigeon hole you.  You are complex.

Now to get our politicians to realize that we want the middle of the watermelon, not the rind at either end!!  They need to go back to kindergarten to learn how to play nice, lol!

Annnnd that's my political  commentary for the century.

Have a great week!

Me, dressing for comfort on an endurance ride.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Happy birthday everyone!

Today I turned, I almost said 28, if only that were the case, no today I turned 48 and as I look back and I think about my life and what I've accomplished it may not be as fantastic as some people.  It may not be as noticeable, but I know that I have touched lives and some of those lives I'll never know that I touched them. You see I work in a hospital.  I run lab tests on people's blood.  I save lives and I have done so for 20 years.  I think about saving lives for 20 years and I start to multiply one life saved every day that I worked times those 20 years and I can't put it into words the feeling that gives me because I am joyful that I can save people's lives with the help of my Hospital teams over the years.  I don't know what your job is, but I do hope that it gives you a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day.  I hope that you enjoy the company of your co-workers.  I hope that you even enjoy the food from your work if they serve food. My hospital that I currently work at serves wonderful food, but I guess I'm not that picky.  I like to laugh and say I don't need a husband I need a housewife and in a way it's true.  I'm not a terribly good housekeeper and I don't really enjoy cooking or cleaning, but I do enjoy being outdoors and I do enjoy dyeing my yarn and knitting and weaving and spinning and there's so many things that I like, but they don't include professional sports at all! I could spend everyday of my life with my horses, llamas and yarn and I'd be happy, but I would not have touched invisibly those around me. I'm not an actress or actor I don't spend my money on thousand-dollar dresses, but I think most people don't.  I think most people are more like me, touching each other's lives in little ways, so happy birthday to me and you when your birthday rolls around.  I hope you hold your head up high and admit to your age because you only turn that age once and as I live through this next year my goal is the same as it always is, to live each day to it's fullest, to love what I'm doing each day to enjoy my day and if you're not happy where you are and what you're doing, try to find something else because life is far too short to waste it.