Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Being Fit

As we age, it gets harder and harder to keep ourselves in shape.  That's why I've set my daughter up with a sport she can continue into her 80's - literally.  What a precious gift.  We ride horses long distances.  While my BMI may be a bit high, hers is low - due to muscle.  Check out American Endurance Riding here:

Me on a 1/2 Arabian pony I raised.  
Photo by John Nowell

Bella on Wily, Lisa on Dreamy and me on Rosie.
Photo by John Nowell.

Me on Habib Rafiq, sire, grandsire, or great grandsire of most of my Arabian and 1/2 Arabians.  
Lisa on Angyl, his daughter.
One of the rider's husbands took this one and I can't remember his name.

Good, clean family fun!

Find something to do with your family and get out there for some quality time together!  
There are still places with good clean fresh air for you to enjoy.


Growing up, my grandmother would make the most incredible treat.  She showed it in the Comanche County (Lawton, OK) free fair every year and I don't ever remember a time that she didn't win.  Well, I found a recipe online that is very much what I remember.  This Thanksgiving and Christmas, give it a try.  Oh, and she didn't store it in an air tight container.  Hers were drops with a curling tip on the top.  If I can master it, maybe I can continue the tradition!

Friday, August 3, 2018

FAS is now on You Tube!!

I am pleased to announce that The Fine Art of Slow is now on my you tube channel under "Karen's Country Living"!

My goal with You Tube, as with this blog is to make your live a little easier.  Knitting is now considered as relaxing as meditation.  Isn't that exciting!  You always knew you enjoyed your yarn hobbies, but now there is proof that it's good for you.

And knitting is not a hobby just for women, or just for men.  Originally, knitting was dominated by men.  No, really!  Then it swung over to women during war time.  Now it's an equal opportunity past time.

The other half of my You Tube channel is country living.  As soon as the weather in Oklahoma cools down, I'll be teaching horsemanship.  I have 3 high school girls who are riding endurance with me.  It's sooo fun!  Let me know if you would like me to use a helmet camera, so you can ride along with us.

Well, I have to run.  I have yarn to dye!

This colorway doesn't have a name, yet:


Friday, May 26, 2017

Sock knitting

I don't know why, but I love knitting socks.  The good news is that my family loves receiving them.

Today is about knitting for people like me.  I have fibromyalgia.  So, purl bumps hurt my feet.  I found a way to not hurt!!!  This is the easy way.  I use much smaller needles than required and/or larger yarn.

This sock is SUPER comfy.  100% merino wool, hand dyed by me and hand knit using US 1 circular needles.  Even in heat, they are great because they wick away moisture.

I'll write up a pattern if people want one.  Really all you have to do is knit a toe up sock that's a bit snug.  Remember, wool stretches as you wear it, but will retain its shape and bounce back when you wash it.
I used these for a two mile ride on horseback, then chatted with a neighbor for two hours at about 80 degrees before I even noticed my feet in heavy boots.

I use the tattoo as an excuse for being so white. 😼
Tattoos fade in the sun.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


I was watching Furious 7  when it occurred to me that some people choose not to really live.  I hope you aren't one of those people.  I hope you're in the moment,  aware of everything happening around you.   Life is to short!

Lisa Page  and  my  boy  Rafi.

And the tattoo:

Don't regret,  don't forget.

And News flash:   I'll be at  Duncan  Regional  Hospital  with YARN!!  11/21  and 11/22.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Extrovert or introvert?

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Most of my life I thought I was an introvert.  Quiet,  thoughtful, somewhat  hermetic in nature.  That's me, right?  But ... When I think back to how I met some people and who said hello first, I find that I am the first to reach out more than I give myself credit for anyway.

Just today I said hello first and got someone's life story.  I didn't ask for that, BTW, just happens I'm a good listener.

So, am I an extrovert?  Introvert?  What gives?

I think we each hold a place somewhere between extrovert and introvert.  In some areas you shine.  In others you're the wall flower.  In high school I was a wall flower, big time!  But ask me about horses or yarn and I shine!

I believe we need to set ourselves up for success.  Like dressing up to go out on the town.  If you are trying to get noticed, making the most of yourself is a good idea.  I mean, the right clothes, shoes, make-up, etc.  I remember dressing up for a concert one time.  High heels, red dress, the works!  A girl bumped into me that night.  She turned to tell me to watch what I was doing, but the sight of me all decked out and looking down haughtily stopped her cold.  She apologized to me!  I didn't say a word.

Would I do things the same now?  No.  My attire is for me, not. every. one. else.  Dress in a way that makes you set for the task ahead.  If that means turning heads, fine.  Or dress to hide in the shadows.  But realize that you are both extrovert and introvert and dress to bring that out of yourself as the case needs.

Boy did this blog take a turn!  I thought I was going to blog about the internet making it easier for introverts to be heard.  You know, we blog and you can read it.  Then we don't have to talk to all of you at once, which we aren't very good at.

Of course, the more I thought about it, the more I realized the above.  Don't let people, including yourself, pigeon hole you.  You are complex.

Now to get our politicians to realize that we want the middle of the watermelon, not the rind at either end!!  They need to go back to kindergarten to learn how to play nice, lol!

Annnnd that's my political  commentary for the century.

Have a great week!

Me, dressing for comfort on an endurance ride.