Sunday, February 7, 2016

What are you going to be when you grow up?

I am amazed at how deeply we are affected by modern media.  Way before my time - I know you'll find this hard to believe - women used to wear swim suits that covered pretty much everything.  Now the question is which you find hard to believe.  Way before my time?  Or the bathing suits?
Yes, I have a tat on my ankle.

Anyway, it's true.  In every era there are the same issues floating around.  How we feel about them is definitely influenced by T.V., movies and social media.  I'd add news papers, but I don't read them.  Great coupons, though!  You can save a bundle.

Appalled by how much time I was sitting in front of the T.V., I choose to disconnect the satellite.  Over $100/ month for the same old thing over and over.  What I was watching isn't really relevant, maybe what I wasn't watching is?  I'm not sure.  Dexter was cancelled and that was it for me.  I named a horse Darkly Dexter.  He's a great horse!!!  A gentle giant who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Darkly Dexter a a baby.
Anyway, what we allow into our lives does affect us.  Undeniably.  The people, attitudes, news, shows, books ... The list goes on.  What you let into your mind affects your outlook on life.

Take me for instance.  I started watching The Walking Dead about six months ago.  I'm up to season six now.  Thank you to everyone who watched all along!  Without you I would never have become hooked on it.

So how has it influenced me? Life is precious, but only if you live life to the fullest.  If you hate your job and life, then find a different life and job.  Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.  Ok, so I'm still working on that one.  Hmm, maybe if Walking Dead had an episode with horses and llamas?  Spinning yarn and turning it into clothing?  Yeah, like that's gonna happen!

I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up, but whatever it is, I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it!  No, I'm not in my teens, lol.  Far from them!  But I think you can reinvent yourself as you go.  Once upon a time it was called a mid life crisis.  Now it's about finding yourself.  Who are you?  Who do you want to be?

Maybe you can be like me and have a great day job, but a bunch of side interests, too.  I don't understand people who have no hobbies.  Maybe that's because I have too many.  Should I make a list?  Ok, but I warn you it's a long one.

Horseback riding, short or long rides!
Training horses
Teaching people to ride
Raising horses
Llamas because they have attitude
Spinning yarn
Dying yarn
Creating stories in my mind
Playing with my daughter
Ok, anything with my daughter!
Electric work - simple stuff.
Building things
Riding horses while pretending things - remember playing cowboys and Indians?
Talking to people

I think I missed something.  No, I'm sure I missed something.  That's ok.  I'll remember later.  What interests do you have?  How have you been influenced by those around you?  Stop, think and reinvent yourself.  It's fun!

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